Important information

Kindly take a moment to carefully review the following booking conditions, as they constitute the formal agreement between schools, families and AVE tours.

Important information for families

Investing in a trip is investing in creating unforgettable memories for your children.


Our top priority is to achieve the best balance between educational benefits, unforgettable journeys, and fun . It is evident, and we have received feedback from numerous clients, that the bond between students and even with the teachers significantly strengthens after a school tour. Therefore, students become more motivated to excel academically and to participate actively in school activities.


Your booking is arranged through AVE Trips, located at 4 Pomlejská cesta 2205/A, 931 01 Šamorín, Slovakia.


By making this booking, you authorize  AVE Trips to act as your representative and arrange contracts with travel service providers, including airlines, hotels, insurance companies, coach hire companies, transfer services, and destination management companies, among others. You are subject to the terms and conditions set by these travel providers. We act as your agent in coordinating your booking, while the travel provider is the principal provider.


A formal contract will be established upon receiving the initial deposit amount per student, acknowledging its receipt, sending your confirmation letter, and providing a booking form. This form, signed by the group leader, should be returned to us promptly. By signing the booking form, the group leader accepts the following conditions on behalf of all group members, formalizing all aspects of your booking.

The group leader will serve as our primary contact, unless we are informed otherwise.


The standard deposit amount is typically 50% of the total price per student, which can be paid in two installments or as a single payment. Sometimes a full deposit is required.


The deposit is due to confirm your tour. Deposits are generally non-refundable. However, we do our best to understand special situations.


Full payment is required at least 8 weeks prior to the departure date.  Failure to make full payment by this date may result in applicable cancellation charges and may jeopardize certain aspects of the tour.


The only payment method accepted is  bank transfer. You should always include a  booking reference number and the name of the traveller. We will need passport names and birthdates for all traveling passengers at the time of booking. 


We will make every effort to ensure the smooth execution of your tour and the accuracy of all arrangements. We accept full responsibility for any mishandling of services provided by our employees and for any aspects of the tour arrangements under our direct control.


Occasionally, factors beyond our control, such as strikes, weather, or force majeure, may affect travel arrangements. We will promptly inform group leaders of any issues and make every effort to minimize inconvenience. 


We assume liability only for personal illness, injury, or death resulting from negligence by our employees or suppliers acting on our behalf. We cannot be held responsible for loss of enjoyment and/or additional expenses arising from events beyond our control  that may lead to changes in travel arrangements.


We are not responsible for any lost or misplaced property of group members during the tour due to negligence.



Check-in and Seating

To avoid any inconvenience for your family, AVE Trips will take care of the check-in of all the flights. 


Therefore, passport information is required one month before travel for administrative purposes. Please ensure that all passport information is accurate to avoid high change fees. The person entering the students' information during booking is responsible for ensuring accuracy in passenger names and birthdates.


Some airlines offers assigned seating for an additional fee; the fees vary depending on availability and destination.

Cancellation Policy 

Deposits made for the tour are non-refundable but can be transferred to a replacement passenger on the same tour, provided that airline seats have not been purchased yet.

Our cancellation charges are as follows:

  • 21 to 60 days prior to departure: 80% of the tour price.
  • 20 days or less prior to departure: 100% of the tour price.
  • Prepaid events tickets are non-refundable and will be charged in addition to lost deposits in case of cancellations.

For special situations or cancellation insurance, please contact us.


Insurance coverage is provided for every passenger, unless you specify otherwise. If you decline our travel insurance, we require written confirmation that another travel insurance scheme will cover the tour arrangements.


Please inform us of pre-existing medical conditions and we will  check with our insurance company to provide any extra needed support. 


You will receive a complete copy of the policy terms and conditions upon confirmation of your tour. If you wish to review the policy in advance, please let us know, and we will be happy to provide it to you.



In case of an emergency during the tour, you will have access to an emergency telephone number provided in your travel pack to contact our staff.


For doubts, concerns or complaints before or during the tour, please contact AVE Trips using the provided contact details.


Personal Property

We are not responsible for any lost or misplaced property of group members during the tour due to negligence.


In case of theft, the company commits to assisting the group leader in filing the necessary report and requirements

Special Requests

Special requests, such as dietary requirements, must be submitted in writing and will be communicated by AVE Trips to the relevant supplier.


While we make reasonable efforts to fulfill such requests, we cannot be held liable for failing to comply with special requests, which do not form part of this contract.


European Health Card

The EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) allows passengers to access healthcare in EU countries if necessary. 


If the passenger holds a European citizenship is advisable to get the EHIC.


Detailed information can be found at the following link


Price Changes

Tour prices are based on current exchange rates at the time of booking. AVE Trips reserves the right to pass on any currency exchange rate increases exceeding 2%. You will be informed before the final payment deadline. Additionally, the company may pass on any increases resulting from new taxes or levies imposed by local or foreign governments, existing tax or levy increases, or fuel surcharge increases beyond our control. The company may apply surcharges for these increases at any time up to the final balance due date (12 weeks prior to departure).


Passports and Visas

While most European destinations require passports to be valid for the duration of your stay, some may require 3 or 6 months of validity beyond the return date. It is essential to check these requirements well in advance of travel. 


All visa requirements are the passenger's responsibility, and you should contact the embassy of the country you are visiting well in advance of travel. This also applies to the ESTA application for travel to the USA. The Company bears no responsibility if you are denied boarding at any airport due to improper visa and documentation.

Important information for schools

Your role is to educate, and our responsibility is to organize your school tour in the most efficient way.


We appreciate the dedication and effort you invest in leading these tours, and our aim is to alleviate the potential stress associated with this the organization.

Free Leader Ratio 

Our standard policy regarding free leaders is as follows: for every 10 paying passengers, you are entitled to one free leader on regular tours, and for ski tours, the ratio is one free leader for every 12 paying passengers.

 However, you have the flexibility to adjust the number of leaders on your tour, which will result in corresponding changes in the tour price. Please be aware that extra leader supplements may apply based on the chosen destinations and different accomodation plans.


Group leaders are responsible for ensuring that their students behave appropriately at all times. Students should show respect to guides, coach drivers, and hotel staff. Any damage caused to property, such as hotel rooms or the coach, will be the responsibility of the group.

 Students under 18 are not allowed to consume alcohol, and smoking on coaches and in hotel rooms is strictly prohibited. Some hotels may require a deposit upon arrival, which will be returned upon departure if there are no issues.

Contingency fund

We recommend that group leaders carry an adequate contingency fund while on tour in case of unforeseen events.


Passenger   Changes

For all travelers, we require a passenger list with passport names. It is crucial to ensure the accuracy of these names, as airlines charge substantial name change fees once the information is submitted. We must receive all name change requests in writing.

The group leader must ensure that all passenger names provided match the names on their passports. These names should be submitted in typed format via email, the person entering the students' information during booking is responsible for ensuring accuracy in passenger names and birthdates.

Visa requirements are the passenger's responsibility, including school personel.


Change in Group Size 

Please  inform us as soon as possible if you have additional passengers interested in joining the tour, before confirming their participation. This allows us to check the availability of airline seats and hotel accommodations if necessary.

 It's important to note that any cancellations by passengers may impact your tour price and the free leader ratio due to shared costs associated with the tour.


Cancellation Policy 

Group leaders must notify AVE Tours of cancellations via email upon receiving notice of the cancellation.

Cancellation is effective when received in writing by our company from the group leader, and any cancellation charges will be calculated from this date. Deposits are generally non-refundable but may be transferred to a replacement passenger, with an applicable name change fee. Our cancellation charges are as follows:

  • 21 to 60 days prior to departure: 80% of the tour price.
  • 20 days or less prior to departure: 100% of the tour price.
  • Prepaid events tickets are non-refundable and will be charged in addition to lost deposits in case of cancellations.

Many reasons for cancellation, other than a desire not to travel, may be covered by our insurance. If the reason is insurable we will work with you to get a refund.

Please note that cancellations may affect the student-to-teacher ratio and could potentially increase the tour price. 

If your tour is not viable,  or if the reason is not covered by our insurance policy and we cannot provide a suitable alternative, each person will receive a full refund minus a €100.00 fee, in line with the insurance policy.

Unforeseen Events


Occasionally, factors beyond our control, such as strikes, weather, or force majeure, may affect travel arrangements. We will promptly inform group leaders of any issues and make every effort to minimize inconvenience. If you experience delays that we may not be aware of, please notify us so we can inform the coach company and hotel of your situation.


We regret that we cannot accept liability or offer compensation when unforeseeable events outside the our control to prevent the fulfillment of contractual obligations. 

Events beyond our control may include war, threats of war, natural or nuclear disasters, volcanic eruptions, force majeure, airport/port closures, terrorism, political unrest, industrial disputes, adverse weather conditions, technical transport faults, accidents, fires,etc.

In such cases, we may need to cancel or reschedule your tour. Refunds may not be guaranteed unless we can secure refunds from our suppliers.

Tour Alterations

By the school

If the school wishes to make changes to the tour, AVE Trips must be promptly notified. Changes must be confirmed in writing. 

We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate practical changes at minimal cost, subject to supplier-imposed costs at the time of the change. Although we will make every effort to accommodate you, surcharges may apply.


By AVE Tours

While our company aims to meet your requirements and expectations from the time of booking, occasional alterations to your tour may be necessary due to changing circumstances. 

We reserve the right to make such changes at any time. In the event of changes, we will notify you as soon as possible and strive to ensure that the same standards are maintained.


By Airlines

Changes in departure or arrival airports and flight schedules do not entitle you to cancel or modify other arrangements. Refund and booking conditions set by the particular airline will apply. Changes in airport, airline, or flight time of fewer than 4 hours are not considered significant changes



Insurance and Emergency

Our insurance coverage is included for passengers up to the age of 69 unless you specify otherwise. Premiums will apply for passengers aged 70 and over or those with certain pre-existing medical conditions, so it's advisable to check with our insurance company. 

You will receive a complete copy of the policy terms and conditions upon confirmation of your tour. If you wish to review the policy in advance, please let us know, and we will be happy to provide it to you.


In case of an emergency during the tour, you will have access to an emergency telephone number provided in your travel pack to contact our staff. 

If difficulties arise while traveling or abroad, use the emergency numbers to inform AVE Trips promptly to rectify the situation. In case of dissatisfaction with a specific aspect of the tour, please contact us and we will contact the supplier. Problems not addressed with suppliers during the trip may hinder complaint resolution upon return. If the issue cannot be resolved, send a written complaint to us within 28 days of returning from your tour.  We can´t accept liability for complaints received outside this timeframe.

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